Mt Isobel Challenge

Race Info
Saturday 25 May, 2024
The Mt Isobel Challenge is a mountain duathlon which takes place in the picturesque village of Hanmer Springs. The race takes competitors on a unique journey through Hanmer Forest amongst amazing alpine and mountain scenery. The course involves a 9km, 1000m ascent mountain run and a non technical mountain bike ride of approximately 24km. The race can be completed as an individual or as a 2 person team.
Run - 9km
From The Domain up Clarence Valley Road to Pawsons Road where the Mt Isobel track is followed to the summit Return along the ridge to follow the poled route to Jacks Pass.
Bike- 24km
Down Clarence Valley Road, turning right into Tophouse Road, then turn right up Jollies Pass Road. This is followed to the top and all the way down to turn right into McIntyre Road. You then turn left on Jolliffe Road, right onto Pawsons Road, and left on Clarence Valley Road to finish back at The Domain.
Unfortunately electric mountain bikes are not permitted on course.
Track Changes
Occasionally tracks will be required to be changed slightly due to situations out of the organisers control.
Transition - Jacks Pass
Due to the increasing congestion at the transition and problems with parking of vehicles and rider safety, individual competitors will not be allowed a support crew at the transition during the race. Please respect this ruling and help us to make the race safer for all competitors Full details of the layout will be provided in your race pack.
Bike stands and marshals will be on Jacks Pass Road from 7.30am to allow individual competitors to position their bikes, helmets and other gear before attending the race brief. This will be done in numerical order and bike numbers must be on bikes prior to this. We strongly suggest you register on Friday evening to allow time foe this and suggest you allow at least 1 hour in order to position your bike on Saturday morning. Once you reach the top of Jacks Pass, please park as directed on the Hanmer side of the pass and leave the area as soon as you have positioned your bike. Remember, this is a narrow road and there will be lots of traffic using this area on the morning of the race
Team Competitors
Team competitors will be allowed one vehicle to go to the transition, and as far as possible this should only contain the biker for that team. No team vehicle should go to the transition until after the race brief when there will be approx 15 mins before the runners start, thereafter vehicles will only be allowed on the road once it is clear of runners. Please combine transport as much as possible.
Course Map
Click here to view.

On the Day
Mt Isobel Challenge
Location: Netball Courts at The Domain
Race Briefing: 9.30am
Race Start: 9.45am
Mandatory Kit
There will be a mandatory kit check prior to the race. If you do not have the required items you will be unable to race.
Please ensure you are equipped with the following: Thermals (long sleeve top, Waterproof jacket with hood, Beanie or hat, Emergency Blanket and any personal medication.
Cut off Times
Cut offs will be enforced at Jollies Pass Road/McIntyre junction.
An additional run cut off has been implemented at the Saddle due to the weather conditions. This cut off is 11.45am.
Transition Cut Off (Jacks Pass - end of 9km run course): 2 hr 30 mins
i.e. 9:45am race start = 12:15pm cut off
McIntyre Road/Jollies Pass Road Cut Off (17km point of 24km bike course): 90 mins after transition cut off
i.e. 12:15pm transition cut off = 1:45pm cut off
Extreme Weather
Extreme weather such as strong winds or snow may mean it is unsafe to run the race on the planned route. The organisers reserve the right to alter the course at short notice or to withhold entry fees and offer an alternative race date.
Prize Giving
The Prize giving ceremony will be held at the finish line at the Hanmer Springs Sport Pavilion (The Domain) at approx 2pm or once all competitors have finished. In the event of bad weather the prize giving may be moved to Monteiths, this will be communicated on the day.
Enjoy Hanmer Springs
Food and beverages will be available throughout the event for purchase, there is also a child's play area at The Domain to keep the kids entertained. Hanmer Springs is a gorgeous alpine village, so bring your family and friends along and stay the weekend. You can find accommodation options here.
Due to liquor licensing Hanmer Events do not allow BYO to their events. Please do not bring dogs to the event unless they are assistance dogs or with our marshals.

$90 (till 30 April)
$105 (from 1 May)
$150 (till 30 April)
$175 (from 1 May)
Online Registrations close on 22nd May 2024, after this date you will need to register on Friday 24th May at The Domain. Late registrations will incur a fee of $20.00. On the Day registrations will only be possible if the race does not sell out. Please contact the race organisers if you wish to register on the day to avoid disappointment.
Changes and cancellations incur a fee of $10.00. No changes can be made to your registration after 20th May 2024.
There are no refunds. In the case of Force Majeure, including COVID-19, no refunds will be issued. Your entry will automatically be transferred to a rearranged date or you will be provided with a credit towards any other Hanmer Event.
Bib Collection is on Friday 24th May (6.30pm-8pm) from The Domain or Saturday 25th May (7.15am-9am) from The Domain.
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